The Creative's Voice

We talked about voice, our voice and how we find it…. then I dropped off the radar a little…

Arc de Triomphe Paris

Arc de Triomphe - Paris

As a creative, it can feel like there is so much pressure on finding ‘your voice’ on having a unique voice, on shouting it out loud from a very young age!

One thing, I have learned, is that with each life lesson, with each chapter, it grows, develops, and changes with you.

It’s as tangible as you are, as versatile as you, and it evolves as you do, which personally, I think is awesome.

The last couple of months have involved some soul searching, a lot of healing, and some hard life lessons, so I’m feeling the need to explore where my voice is and what it is like after these significant changes.

Southbank - London

Often as freelancers, we are told to be consistent and not deviate as people then don’t ‘know where to put you’ which as a woman sounds strange to me anyway…. But it can be subconsciously hindering to feel trapped in the ‘branded’ version of you and your craft.

So it’s officially PLAY TIME

It’s time to explore how the last 6 months have altered my perspective, how the information coming in and how it’s resonating with the updated version of Mel.

It’s time take out the cameras, the Kodak 120’s and the box Brownie, the Leica and go out into the world and have some photographic play time, to experience new adventures, meet new people. The key difference being that I am not serving anyone else, I am my own client, and the brief is FUN.

To create a parameter that is supportive to the process, I focus of telling the stories in front of me to help give some purpose to each image, having a vague idea of the end result, or format, so that I can see how it turns out in real time, whilst of course, feeling the freedom to explore again.

I’ll see you on the other side, full of love and hopefully some new images and a couple of lessons learned long the way.

Parisian Gardens